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Gingoog, Tiklas Waterfalls

Sunday, September 23, 2012 0 (mga) puna
TIKLAS The land of Gingoog City is truly blessed with lot of waterfalls and earned its named also a City of waterfalls like Iligan. Tiklas in Brgy. Lawit is situated at almost 10 kilometers from the City proper, very accessible but public transportation going there are not easy to find, you can reach the area by private vehicle and public transportation or by "pakyawan" (Hired) like "Habal-habal" (A single motorcycle...
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Naga, Churches

Sunday, September 16, 2012 0 (mga) puna
BASILICA MINORE THE PRESENT STONE CHURCH No definite data is available with regards to the construction of the present church. All references however point to the belief that it was Bishop Isidro Arevalo who built around the year 1750. His coat of arms engraved in the upper part of the western side of the church, justifies this stand, accepted by Msgr. Gainza himself. The old people say...
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Naga, Penafrancia

0 (mga) puna
OUR LADY OF PEÑAFRANCIA It was a short travel from Legazpi City about 2 hours in a van, very much decided and excited to witness the celebration of Penafrancia, it was a long plan before that now happens. Prior to my trip the company sent me for ocular inspection in Legazpi. I really want to go Naga City where we were scheduled exactly same date of the celebration. My jump off is in Legazpi and should be back...
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Naga, Fluvial Parade

0 (mga) puna
FLUVIAL PARADE Yearly Naga City is celebrating its patroness blessed virgin Mary or known as Our Lady of Peñafrancia. Fluvial parade always the highlight of this event where the Patroness or her Pagoda must have to cross the river to return from Naga Metropolitan Cathedral church to her home shrine at the Basilica where it should be placed. The colorful procession will lit with a candles and prepared with a petals...
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Legazpi, Hotel

1 (mga) puna
PLACE TO SLEEP Actually if you are to bound for Legazpi City, a place to sleep isn't that hard to find. Inside the airport terminal you can find right and there a place to stay, a few steps away from arrival area you can see this Hotel. On my first day of travel i stayed on this hotel, you can get the comfortable living you want, but for a budget travelers I may not recommend it, since the area is quite a distance...
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Legazpi, Foods

4 (mga) puna
BICOLANO SPECIALTIES When you think of foods! Bicolandia has variety of hot and spicy foods that great to offer. Spicy and cooked with coconut milk, sauteed to a native special herbs and added with vegetables, a basic ingredients that they have usually used. One of their dishes is a well known "Bicol Express" a spicy hot viand that we often see in some carenderyas any where in the Philippines, a spicy pork...
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Who am I

Pasig City/ Gensan City, NCR/Region 12, Philippines
LAKAT: defines as a journey by foot; Wandering; Hike; stroll; Travel; A Walk - It is a sharing of travel and adventure experiences with photography, made by the author, who have passion in travel and outdoor activities, to bring the readers as if they are also on journey. Join with me as I explore the different places and beautiful natures that awaits out there...


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